Sports Premium Funding
At Barham we believe that physical education provides a vital and unique contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional development. Our vision for PE and Sport is to provide high quality PE and Sport for all children in school. We aim to provide both competitive opportunities for extra-curricular sport and well planned and delivered PE lessons, which develop a love of sport for all children and an understanding of the importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
We have a long tradition of sporting excellence and pupils have represented the country in dance, gymnastics and golf.
We are proud of the current PE curriculum provision at our school, which includes an annual dance festival and sports week - this is a whole week dedicated to giving children opportunities to take part in physical activity as well as introducing pupils to new sports. This year our pupils learnt Karate, discovered how to skateboard and how to play Ultimate Frisbee!
Barham has its own swimming pool which enables all our pupils from reception through to Year 6 to have regular swimming lessons. In addition to the two hours of PE a week, all classes take part in ten minutes of daily physical activity.
Despite the challenges of lockdown and the effect of the pandemic restrictions, we have done our utmost to ensure our pupils have not missed out on physical activity. Sports week in 2020 was memorable as Barham hosted its first ‘Sock Olympics’ that allowed pupils who were not in school to participate at home. Clubs in bubbles have continued throughout and we resumed Forest School activities as soon as the Forestry Commission lifted its restrictions on using Covert Woods. In the absence of competing against other schools in the district, we have increased the number of opportunities for intra-games where pupils compete for their house.
During the pandemic, we have succeeded in providing all of our Year 6 pupils with a residential experience and the opportunity to participate in adventurous activities such as wall climbing, high ropes and dry-slope skiing.
Clubs over the last two years have included: Football, Girls football, Dodge ball, Fitness Fun, Splash Club (Swimming), Cross-country, , Basketball/netball, Gymnastics, Multi-skills, Outdoor games, Dance, cricket and Rounders.
We run a Young Leaders program for our Year 6 pupils who lead lunchtime activities in the summer term for our younger pupils, in addition to the clubs mentioned above.
We also re-introduced yoga for all year groups in 2022 which will continue in the following academic year.
Sport Premium Funding 2022-2023
Use of Sports Premium 2022-2023
Each school was given a standard sum of £16,000 and then £10 per child on roll. Barham received £17,780.