Our School's Vision and Values
Vision statement
Barham is a vibrant, inclusive and high-achieving primary school with a family feel at the heart of the local and church community. We are committed to supporting everyone to be confident, kind and curious so that each one of us can reach our potential. Our curriculum is broad, engaging and supports everyone to flourish as God intends.
Our vision for each member of our community stems from Matthew 14: 22-33 Jesus walks on water
Jesus told his followers to get into the boat whilst he went alone up to the hills to pray. Before long the boat was caught up in a storm. It was tossed around on the lake. Jesus saw they were in trouble and came to them walking on the water. When his followers saw him they were afraid. They thought it was a ghost and cried out in fear. Peter said, “Lord if that is really you, then tell me to come out on the water.” Jesus replied, “Come” so Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water too. When Peter began looking at the waves instead of Jesus, he began to be afraid and started sinking. Jesus reached out his hand to save Peter. When they returned to the boat, the wind stopped. The people in the boat came to Jesus and were amazed at what he could do. They worshipped Jesus and said “Truly You are the Son of God.”

We have chosen this story from the Bible to illustrate our distinctive Christian vision, starting with the relationship between Peter and Jesus that gives Peter confidence in himself and confidence in Jesus to support him. We want every child and adult to have that confidence in order to flourish. Our aim is to support all our school community to feel confident, kind and curious and to aspire to great things knowing that they can make a difference in their classrooms, throughout the school, at home, their community and the wider world.
Our Core Christian Values
- Compassion – we look for ways to help anyone in need
- Humility – we learn from each other
- Service – we look after each other
- Endurance – we keep going when things are tough
- Thankfulness - we remember to be thankful for all good things in our lives
More information about how our Christian values link to our vision, can be found on our 'A Church of England School' webpage