COVID - Remote Learning

Please note, this information was published during the lockdown periods and remains on the website in case the government asks schools to return to remote learning.

As schools are currently only open to critical workers and vulnerable children we have moved to our remote learning package - all work will be set on Seesaw rather than the class pages from the 5th January 2021. The curriculum for pupils learning at home is the same for pupils who attend school.  We will continue to monitor and assess our home learning provision in order to keep the children motivated and engaged. Please contact your child's teachers if you have any difficulty accessing the work or if we can help you in any way.

We have bought a number of laptops if your child does not have a device to access the online learning as well as Sim cards uploaded with free data if internet connection becomes an issue. If you require further support, please do not hesitate to contact the school:

For further information, please click on the links below: