Governance & finance

Information for Prospective Governors

The Governing Body is legally responsible for:

  • setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

How do we operate?

The full Governing Body meets once per term (ie 6 times per year). We discuss a wide range of business and every meeting begins with an opening prayer.

In addition the Governing Body has 5 “Monitoring Pairs” to which two or more governors are assigned. The Monitoring Pairs take responsibility for a specific area of work, and report back to the full Governing Body. The frequency of meetings varies depending on the area and can be from once per term to two times per year. Currently Monitoring Pairs work in the following areas:

  • Standards and Achievement
  • Quality of Teaching and Curriculum
  • Finance, Personnel and Premises
  • Behaviour and Safety
  • Christian Distinctiveness

How do I contact the Governing Body?

You can contact us by emailing the Clerk:

Or by telephone to the School Office 01227 831312

Or many of us are parents, and always happy to chat at the school gate!

Important Documents

In accordance with School's Financial Value Standard (SFVS), we are required to declare if any employee earns above £100,000. No employee at Barham earns above this threshold.


List of Current Governors:

The Governing Body includes representatives from the church, the community, local education authority (LEA), parents and staff. Most serve for a 4 year term. Parent governors are elected by a ballot of parents.

The current membership of the Governing Body is listed below:

You can see the current full Governor Record of Interests below

Governor Name

Business Interest

Pair membership

Other Governing Bodies Served

Relationships to Staff

Alison Higgins

Staff member

Johnnie Peirson

Quality of Teaching & the Curriculum

Tim Hopthrow (Chair)

Finance, Personnel and Premises

Victoria Bruce

Behaviour & Safety

Staff member

Anna Ivil

Christian Distinctiveness

Colin Morrall

Partner, Hannah Brice, Teaching Assistant

Andrew Dowell (Vice-Chair)

Quality of Teaching & the Curriculum

Richard May

Finance Personel and Premises

Jo Duhig

Staff Member

Mary Cook

Christian Distinctiveness

Martyne May

Can I see a record of meeting minutes?

Yes! If you wish to discuss anything, have a hard copy or obtain further information please just ask. Please note that papers referred to in the minutes are available on request.

Name Governor type Term ends
Alison Higgins Co-headteacher
Jo Duhig Co-headteacher
Tim Hopthrow (Chair) /Co-opted 09/03/28
John Peirson LA Governor 07/10/27
Victoria Bruce Staff Governor 31/08/27
Colin Morrall Co-opted Governor 31/08/27
Rev Stefan Thomas Foundation Governor
Anna Ivil Foundation Governor 03/10/25
Andrew Dowell Coopted Governor 24/01/28
Richard May Parent Governor 10/10/26
Sally Crump Clerk to the Governors
Martyne May Parent Governor 05/03/28
Mary Cook Foundation Governor 23/04/28