School Dinners and Packed Lunches

Caterlink provide school dinners at Barham.
The cost of the meals for this academic year (2024-2025) is £3.15 per meal. All meals for Key Stage 1 continue to be funded by the government.
Caterlink meals should be ordered via ParentPay and should done in advance – daily, weekly, monthly or termly. A "how to" guide on ordering can be found at:
For access to ParentPay please contact the School Office.
Healthy Packed Lunches

The School Council met to discuss how important it is to eat healthily and to give parents and children some ideas of what to put in lunch boxes. Please click on the links below for some healthy options for packed lunches.
School council have agreed that the following are not allowed in packed lunches:
• Sweets
• Fizzy drinks or any drinks in glass bottles
• Nuts or nut-based products including chocolate spread that contains nuts (because of children with nut allergies)
Biscuits, cakes and crisps should be a rare treat only. School council agreed that any chocolate biscuits must contain more biscuit than chocolate. To ensure parents know exactly what their children have eaten, children will bring home any uneaten food in their packed lunch box.
The following websites have some great ideas for nutritious, healthy food suitable for lunch boxes.